Alluring Woman

Artist Cuvie (56)
Parody Original Work (14,979)
Publisher FAKKU (12,396)
Published 2 December 2014
Pages 208
Favorites 98
Tags blowjob (7,303) book (223) hentai (13,878) paizuri (2,303) tsundere (702) uncensored (14,073) vanilla (5,271)
Description Ooi’s college life would be going better if he wasn’t constantly dealing with his cute underclassman, Kunugi. It’s not that she’s mean or anything, it’s just that Ooi’s hates how she’s always clinging to him, feeling more like a big pet then anything more potential. After some advice from a classmate, Ooi tries to be more forward with Kunugi and instead of being treated like a pet, Ooi upgrades to some heavy petting. Alluring Woman by Cuvie is for fans who are tired of the stories of young love and enjoy the pitfalls and hurdles of dating in your 20s. Cuvie is one of the most popular artists in Japan and has been drawing hentai for over 15 years, making her one of the most admired and well respected veterans in the industry. Cuvie is also known for her non-ero art, currently working on the ongoing series, Kenrantaru Grande Scène.